On the right hand side of the page forms may be downloaded, filled out and submitted to the Township by mail or Apply Online for Permits
You can now apply for permits anytime. Please fill out your forms, scan them into your computers and then upload them to the Township. Make sure you have filled out your forms and have them ready to upload in a PDF format. Please follow this link to apply online and upload your documents to the Township.
Schedule Inspections Online
You can now schedule inspections online by filing out this form.
Please note we need at least 24 hour notice.
Building & Zoning Permit Applications
Building & Zoning Permits
Please read instructions for the Residential and Non-Residential Construction Applications. Both are found on the right hand side of this webpage.
Residents and contractors are required to obtain a building permit for projects including but not limited to the following: new construction, additions, alterations or changes to buildings, roofs, structures, and accessory buildings, sheds, porches and decks, swimming pools (both in-ground and above ground), sidewalks and curbs, driveways, plumbing and electrical improvements, HVAC installations, storage tanks, blasting, fire suppression systems and the removal or demolition of any building or structure. Residents are encouraged to contact the Building Inspector at 610-477-5140 to determine whether a building permit is needed.
The on the right hand side of the page forms may be downloaded, filled out and submitted to the Township by mail.
Please call Code Enforcement Officer Dave Perry with any questions at: 610-477-5140 .
The Pennsylvania Home Improvement Consumer Protection Act (2008) requires that all contractors who perform at least $5,000 worth of home improvements per year register with the Attorney General's Office. Registration may be completed online by visiting As of July 1, 2009, consumers in Pennsylvania will be able to verify your registration by calling a toll-free hotline, 1-888-520-6680. Contractors with questions about the law can call 717-772-2425.
West Rockhill Township requires your PA state registration number on all Building Permit forms for residential construction.
All contractors performing work on new residential construction or commercial building projects within West Rockhill Township are required to complete and submit the Contractor Registration Application with the annual fee. The registration must include a certificate of insurance with West Rockhill Township listed as certificate holder and additional insured. Building permits will not be issued until all contractors on a job are registered. If you do not have any employees, please fill out a Workman's Comp Exemption Affidavit Form and have it Notarized. Completed applications can be emailed to, once the contractor's licenses fee has been paid here.
Plot Plans
If you need a plot plan for your project, please go to:
The site will open an interactive map of Bucks County. You can then print out the map of your property lines to use for submission for a Zoning and/or Building Permit. Please be sure all the property line and setback measurements are completed as set forth on the application procedures.
Re-Sale Use & Occupancy Permit Applications
Any building changing ownership in the Township must obtain a Use & Occupancy Permit and inspection prior to the closing sale. The three types of U&O Applications are available at the in the right hand column. Please download the applications, fill them out. Scan them in and then email you Please note the items we will be inspecting listed on the form.
Professional Services Agreement PDF can be found on the right hand side of this page.
Are landlords required to register tenants?
Yes, a Tenant Registration Form must be completed yearly.
When is a Permit Required?
Any time one of these activities occurs a permit must be obtained:
1) construct or alter a structure
2) construct an addition to an existing structure (this includes decks)
3) demolish or move a structure
4) make a change in occupancy of a structure
5) install or alter any equipment which is regulated by the building code
Examples include:
a) heating equipment
b) air conditioning
c) plumbing
d) electrical service
6) Move a lot line, which affects an existing structure
ORDINARY REPAIRS do not require a permit. Some examples of such would be new gutters, painting, replacement of windows where the existing opening in the structure isn't altered.
NOT included in ordinary repairs are:
1) cutting away of any wall, partition, or portion thereof
2) the removal, replacement, re-enforcement or cutting of any structural beam for load bearing support
3) the removal or change of any required means of egress
4) the rearrangement of parts of a structure affecting the means of egress
5) addition to, alteration of, or replacement or relocation of any water supply, sewer, drainage, gas, soil, waste, vent or similar piping
6) addition to, alteration of, or replacement or relocation of any electrical
7) addition to, alteration of, or replacement or relocation of any mechanical
The simple acid test to apply to a question about whether or not work requires a permit is this:
Does common sense dictate that the proposed work could affect the public health, safety, and welfare by compromising structural strength, means of egress, sanitary equipment, light and ventilation, and fire safety of the building?
The permit process is designed to ensure that the erection, repair, removal,
demolition, or change of occupancy of a building be accomplished in compliance with the building code.